Sunday, August 06, 2006


Welcome to my mother-in-law sucks. I am starting this site as a place for women (and men!) to rant about their crazy, controlling, irritating mothers-in-law.

The postings will all be anonymous. You can send me your story, and I will post it for you. I will not reveal your name or e-mail or any other information. As I was talking with friends one day, we came up with this idea, similar to true wife confessions.

Please do not mention any real names, residences, or any other identifying items. I reserve the right to edit your submission if I feel that it could be traced back to someone. All submissions become property of the my mother-in-law sucks blog. Submitting your story is express permission to re-use, re-post and publish your story.

Now, it's time to dish. Tell me, why does your mother-in-law suck?


Blogger Lori said...

lola, I LOVE the idea of this site! I used to have a horrid MIL. She was just mean spirited and hateful. She suffers from mental illness and she's passed that to her children.

Luckily, I now have a wonderful MIL who is an interesting, lovely, charming woman. I'm blessed to have her in my life, and she raised a wonderful son.

5/9/07, 10:46 AM  
Blogger becky s said...

well, someone else beat me to this, so i really haven't updated it in a while, as you can tell. :D

i'm still thinking about going back to it. my ex-MIL wasn't that great either.

8/13/07, 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ia am a husband age 28, my wife age 25. both of us get a low pay as a government servant. my mother in law ask a her daughter(my wife) an expansive things that we cant afford. recently she ask my wife to buy a car for her. that reallly distrurbing my minds. Its affected me financially, mentally and emotionally. HELP ME!

1/5/08, 5:36 AM  
Blogger becky s said...

anonymous, you and your wife need to talk this over. if you can't afford what your mother-in-law is demanding, be honest and tell her that. is there a cultural or religious tradition that expects you to buy things for your mother-in-law? if so, you need to discuss together how you will break with that tradition. you must present a united front.

1/15/08, 9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been married over 23 years and my husband is a good person. His mother, however, is always looking to cause trouble. My husband has a son from his 1st marriage and my MIL is obsessed with that son. The son is now 31 y/o and the biggest loser you'd ever want to meet...thanks to my MIL, who wouldn't keep her nose out of our business and had to rescue the child every time he was disciplined.

The MIL is not happy unless there is turmoil in the family. She's lies to create chaos. I've gone toe to toe with her, but it's a waste of energy because it does not change her bad behavior.

She talks trash about my sister-in-law, (her other son's wife). But that's not all...she talks trash about her son's too. Even the one who cuts her lawn and shovels her out in a snowstorm.

I'd like to take a cast iron frying pan and whack her across the face with it......

She refers to my son as a little bastard! My son works for a living and is a responsible person. My stepson (her favorite), has stolen from her, taken her car at will, pushed her around, called her nasty names etc. but he's treating like a king.

Never in a million years did I think a would have to deal with such a rotten human being.

3/13/08, 5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother in law is absolutely driving me insane. She is completely obsessed with my husband. She decided to wear a white dress that made her look like the bride to our wedding. Tried to take away a room reserved for her own sister for the wedding, (paid for by my parents.) To give to her thirteen year old son and his friend who wasn't invited to the wedding. She was allowed to invite 30 relatives to the wedding to make her feel included. I was informed that I had to invite 60 which is more than my husband was allowed to invite total. My mother in law couldn't seem to drive the best man to the church due to driving her younger sons friend. We had to remove the best man for this. She expects us to send her all of our pictures however she didn't pay for anything except meat at the rehearsal dinner, which was done for her by relatives, and didn't send a wedding present. She was over bearing when my husband and I were dating. On my birthday when I travelled twelve hours to be with my husband due to living in different states at the time because we are military members. She wouldn't even let me go get my hair colored without being in the car with us. She showed up at my grandfather, (whom she never met.)'s funeral to look for my husband and hounded my parents at the funeral to go take them to see the church where we were getting married. She tried to alter my flower arrangements for my wedding even though she paid for none of it. The florist told her to leave and called me. Now she plans on coming to visit us in a different state to see us. I have been warned this will be an unannouced visit. Everything except the birthday incident has happened in the past month someone please help me deal with this horrible woman.

7/8/08, 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother in law lies about my to everyone. She tells others that the reason her son isn't at any family functions is because i feel my family is superior and more important when in fact she just drives him crazy. She is mean and rude. She was going to not even come to my bridal shower and told my matron of honor and my mother that they were not to include any of her family members because no one would be attending. Luckily, my finacee laid down the law and she attended, but made snide comments the entire time and refused to talk to anyone, including me. She has told me in the past that I do not belong and I am not apart of the family. That I look down on her and her family when I have made every effort to include them in the wedding. She is embarassing my fiancee and he feels terrible that she is so cruel. No one can curb her out of control behavior, and we've all tried. What the heck do I do now? Is it going to be like this for the rest of our lives?? I can't stand this!!

8/10/09, 1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took in my MIL just after I married her daughter. At the time, my MIL was just getting out of a divorce, out of work and down on her luck. I took pity on her.

Guess what? She's still living with us...7 years later!!! Talk about living with regret. I do that everyday now. She contantly makes the decisions for my wife. I don't have the nerve to "kick her to the curb".

4/20/10, 5:33 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

My "she-devil" of a neurotic, selfish, evil, psychotic, egotistical MIL moved in with us two years ago. She said 7 years ago, that she was going to do it (even picked out her bedroom). After being told no too many times, she figured out a way to do it. She ran up all of her credit cards, and went so far into debt that she had to sell HER house and needed a place to live. She belittles DH all the time and it KILLS me, but he won't say anything to her because he is able to ignore her. I can't,
and I fear SHE will be the end to my marriage.

5/31/10, 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,"my mother in law lies about me..."
If you have not married your man yet-Do not do it ! Run save yourselve the heartache and drama. The way she is not will NEVER change. I have been married 8 years into a family that is biggest disappointment. When I was younger and earlier in our marriage I thought they would change and start acting normal(warm and inviting), but instead it has gotten worse. My mother in law even told one of my neighbors that I am lazy and I do nothing. She said her son has to do everything for me. When in the truth is that I am the breadwinner and always have been. I clean, I cook, do all the bills, keep track of the all birthdays, etc. I do lawn work, paint, and I even tiled half my house. She is so insulting and demeaning to me, that I do not invite them move to our house for dinner. Oh, and her two daughter-my two sisters-in-law are just like her. At family functions, they completely ignore me and do not talk to me. The only one you talks to me is my father in law. I feel so sorry for him that he married such awful person. A few months ago I had enough, and after 8 years I told her off. The reason I told her off was because she made a comment about "foreigners" and how they should all go back where they came from. I am a foreigner, my family is from overseas. She hates anyone you has an accent or is different. I can not believe that I have to live this way. My husand does not stand up for me or himself and that is very scary to me. My advice to you is run, as fast as you can. You will lose everything including who you are as a person because of your mother in law and their psycho family.

7/12/10, 5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My MIL cheated on my FIL before I met either of them. I am very sensitive about infidelity because of a past relationship I was in and I sometimes worry my opinion of my MIL is clouded because of this, so when I found this site I thought it might be the perfect place to get a little perspective.
I feel like my MIL is a little controlling. I have been married for less than two months and we've already started having some issues. There were issues with wedding planning that I won't get into, and she sent my husband text message and voicemails every day of our honeymoon. He kept his phone off because he expected that to happen and I was a little concerned but since he kept it off I didn't think anything of it. She now calls or text messages him every night, has come to the town we live in every weekend since the weekend we got married, and has started getting a little bit intrusive, at least in my opinion. I am a fairly private person so it might just be me, but I feel like she prys too much, especially about our finances. My husband recently decided to go back to school and she offered to pay for it and have him pay part of it back after graduation. She set up his financial aid through the school but then decided she couldn't pay after all. She would not give the financial aid password and information to either of us, which bothered me, but I didn't say anything about it. We recently learned he has been denied for grants he received last year because she included our income as a married couple as well as his father's income and appeared to make too much. We live hundreds of miles away from his father and do not receive ANY monetary support outside of our income, and now we have to take out loans and pay for his school when we should have again received grants. I asked again for his passwords and said we would like to make the changes so that wouldn't happen again and she refused to give them to me, told me she did it right and I don't know what I am talking about, and then told my husband that I am very confused about money and she can come down next weekend and go over our finances with us if he'd like. I have been living on my own and handling my own finances for years, and I also work in a financial institution so I know quite a bit about it all and he did tell her that, but I still felt a little offended by that. Am I over-reacting or do I have just cause to be perturbed. I have tried to not let it get to me, but now we are having to pay $3,000 we wouldn't have and really don't have because she would not let me deal with his financial aid and grant applications and I can't help but feel frustrated.

7/29/10, 2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am So Happy This Blog Exsist!!!
I feel aweful for saying I truely dislike my my Mother-in-Law she is like the most lethal poison dipped in sugar. she is constantly in need of attention & entertainment. it is so disruptive to out life, I keep telling my self "I have bigger fish to fry", but it does not stop her from making me feel as if I am going to jump out of my skin. All of you here seem to have made a safe place to vent. That's GREAT!

8/22/10, 11:01 PM  
Blogger Isabelle's Mom said...

I love the idea of this soooo much! I have the worst MIL who thinks she knows it all and wants to cut me out of my own baby's life! ugghhhhh

1/22/11, 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the giant weight that has been lifted off my shoulders even knowing this blog exists!! Here is my story:

My MIL lives outside the country and enjoys extended visits with us. The visits are from 2 weeks to 3 months. I am currently 2.5 weeks into the 3 month visit.
When I first met my husband, she'd stay for a couple of weeks and while initially I thought she was wonderful, after he and I moved in together I started to notice some very troubling things. She lies about tons of random things, most of the time to make herself look good, and many times at the expense of whomever she is speaking to. Most of the time the people we know, know she has no idea what she's talking about. She misconstrues things she hears to the point where it almost appears she has a processing problem.
She is incredibly overconfident about her ability to do things without really trying or knowing what she's doing, which is scary when she's in charge of my toddler and I'm not home. She recently thought she'd hop on over to the DMV and take the written exam since she wants to move here. She was quite disheartened after failing both the written exam and the vision test, and responded by bashing the DMV and commenting repeatedly about how stupid this country is, even though she took the test without glasses and didn't study. She is a bad driver in her own country, so I'm pretty sure the actual driving test is going to be a f*** hilarious mess. She also thought she'd move over here and instantly get a job as a preschool teacher, even though she has zero qualifications in child development.
She will repeatedly insist that she is excellent at DIY projects around the house (she isn't) and I have to tell her 4-5 times that no, you shouldn't paint the living room/caulk the bathroom/etc. She will harp on these projects until you start to sound a little rude, then finally backs off.
She'll encourage my husband and I to go away together and leave her to watch our child, but can't manage to figure out how to put the baby monitor back on the charger and still doesn't have a firm grasp on the schedule after being with us for 2 weeks.
We're leaving to go out of town and I'm bringing my own mother to come help because not only do I think the MIL needs some supervision, but I need to have someone there who is honest enough to tell me how things really went.
Any time my husband has tried to talk to her about why visits with her are sometimes difficult, she lashes out at both of us (me mostly) and just becomes completely irrational and vicious, sending horrific emails to me. I honestly think something is wrong with her and for that reason, she will never be my friend, we will never be close, and unfortunately, her dreams of me putting my child on a plane alone to spend the summer with her will never, ever happen.

5/24/11, 3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found this blog. Talk about amazing. My mother in law has a way with words. My husband (26) and I (22) have been married for three years now and my mother in law has never liked me or my family. We just wennt on trip to see some of my family I havent seen for years and my mother in law basically told me and my husband that my family wasnt as important as her daughter who had a baby babys blessing. We missed it and it is like we are the black sheep out of the family. And just yesterday, we went and bought winter coats for our family and she bashed on us like we could freeze to death for all she cares. Our NEEDS are not important. I am down to my last nerve with her. She has a spending problem and will pay for things with credit and she is in DEEPER debt than us and her husband supports her in this. ANd all we are trying to do is take care of our family of five the best way we know how with the means we have. And she has the gall to tell us we get a high when we shop. I didnt buy a dress for me because it was $28.00. I dont even like buying things over five dollars. My mother in law has a serious problem and she needs to fix it cause I cant handle this anymore. If I dont ever see her again than that will be fine with me. My husband cant even stand her. And she has been this way all his life. She spoils her daughter and tells us to go to hell. Our kids are even on the low list with her.

11/2/11, 8:43 AM  
Anonymous Heather said...

Let me start out by saying, after I was married for 3 mths, my mother in law started emailing me letters on how selfish, I was and that she was proud of her son, for staying in a marriage for so long with a person like me. Mind You I met her once, she never came to my wedding. She lives in another state. She got mad at me at Easter, because she thought that I should have giving her 28 year old son an Easter egg hunt. My mother sent her a Christian card for Easter. My mother in law was ticked. She sent me letter after letter by email telling me off for it. Her first visit was not fun. She invited herself for 6 weeks to my home. Never asked if it was okay. She made me wash her clothes everyday, she requested meals that she wanted to be served. That my children should be home, because she was here. My husband would jump to her every commend. She would get made if we did not take her with us every place we went. She told me that some day my children would come to live with her, and it would be a punishment to me, because her own son moved far from her. She would talk terrible about my family. She thought everyone was doing something to try and hurt her.

4/26/12, 11:58 PM  
Anonymous Heather said...

I am writing more. From my previous comment that I just sent my mother in-law had to be treated like a princees as well while she was hear. She would insult the way I cleaned took care of my children. Talk behinde my back to my husband. She even stuck a red towel into MT wash machine when my good clothes were in there, and turned the washer on and ruined my clothes. We had to take her on our vacation as well. To be mean she would wake my husband up at the crack of Dawn, to take her places. Making sure I was left behind. She forced my children to wear clothes she bought, we had to go to all the restaurants she wanted to eat at on our vacation. She would jump over the seat of the car to honk the car horn at people and yell mean things out the window at them. She told me that my children were all hers. She told my mother That my mother she had other grandchildren and That my children were all hers. She complained the whole time she visited about everything. She visited a second time, and invited herself for 5 weeks. I told my husband she could not stay here This time or I would go nuts. She became terrible mad at me. Stilluses this as an excuse that this is why she is Mad at me after 6 years later. She has stopped sending me birthday gifts and Christmas gifts as well. When she came again she argued with me, disappeared with my children. Now these says she has not visited for a while. Although she sent me terriable letters saying that I am lazy, I should have a job. Even though I have 3 small children. She has cursed me out by phone and email. Made up lies about me to people. Left her email and password on my phone, because she wanted me to read terriable letters that she wrote to people about me. Which she had sent to me.she sends my children weird letters that look more like they are for me to read. I think she is nuts. She has called me every mean thing. Any time We did something she would say I hope this makes your mom jealous. I love to see her that way. She made up lies about me. She told me I am a bad mom, that I should listen to her home truths. They may hurt me, but they are the truth. It is not true. I am a good mom. She makes up lies to people that she was a teacher, a nurse, and has a degree in law. She has actual been on welfare for most of her life. She Bost about herself and back stabs and criticizes everyone. She even back stabs her own boyfriend. But claims he is not her boyfriend because he is to ugly for her. She will put make up on just to go to the store. She is grumpy, mean, and cleans compulsively. She thinks she is so great, but has acted like a child most of the time I have known her. Actually having 3 year old temper tatrums. If she can not have her own way. She has treated me like dirt for the whole 10 years that I have been married to my hubby. She claims he only stays with me, for the children. Any feed back please

4/27/12, 12:31 AM  
Anonymous Heather said...

I am writing more. From my previous comment that I just sent my mother in-law had to be treated like a princees as well while she was hear. She would insult the way I cleaned took care of my children. Talk behinde my back to my husband. She even stuck a red towel into MT wash machine when my good clothes were in there, and turned the washer on and ruined my clothes. We had to take her on our vacation as well. To be mean she would wake my husband up at the crack of Dawn, to take her places. Making sure I was left behind. She forced my children to wear clothes she bought, we had to go to all the restaurants she wanted to eat at on our vacation. She would jump over the seat of the car to honk the car horn at people and yell mean things out the window at them. She told me that my children were all hers. She told my mother That my mother she had other grandchildren and That my children were all hers. She complained the whole time she visited about everything. She visited a second time, and invited herself for 5 weeks. I told my husband she could not stay here This time or I would go nuts. She became terrible mad at me. Stilluses this as an excuse that this is why she is Mad at me after 6 years later. She has stopped sending me birthday gifts and Christmas gifts as well. When she came again she argued with me, disappeared with my children. Now these says she has not visited for a while. Although she sent me terriable letters saying that I am lazy, I should have a job. Even though I have 3 small children. She has cursed me out by phone and email. Made up lies about me to people. Left her email and password on my phone, because she wanted me to read terriable letters that she wrote to people about me. Which she had sent to me.she sends my children weird letters that look more like they are for me to read. I think she is nuts. She has called me every mean thing. Any time We did something she would say I hope this makes your mom jealous. I love to see her that way. She made up lies about me. She told me I am a bad mom, that I should listen to her home truths. They may hurt me, but they are the truth. It is not true. I am a good mom. She makes up lies to people that she was a teacher, a nurse, and has a degree in law. She has actual been on welfare for most of her life. She Bost about herself and back stabs and criticizes everyone. She even back stabs her own boyfriend. But claims he is not her boyfriend because he is to ugly for her. She will put make up on just to go to the store. She is grumpy, mean, and cleans compulsively. She thinks she is so great, but has acted like a child most of the time I have known her. Actually having 3 year old temper tatrums. If she can not have her own way. She has treated me like dirt for the whole 10 years that I have been married to my hubby. She claims he only stays with me, for the children. Any feed back please

4/27/12, 12:31 AM  

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