Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another submission, from mistie

This is our next submission, from a reader named Mistie:

My mother in law is absolutely driving me insane. She is completely obsessed with my husband. She decided to wear a white dress that made her look like the bride to our wedding. Tried to take away a room reserved for her own sister for the wedding, (paid for by my parents.) To give to her thirteen year old son and his friend who wasn't invited to the wedding.

She was allowed to invite 30 relatives to the wedding to make her feel included. I was informed that I had to invite 60 which is more than my husband was allowed to invite total. My mother in law couldn't seem to drive the best man to the church due to driving her younger sons friend. We had to remove the best man for this. She expects us to send her all of our pictures however she didn't pay for anything except meat at the rehearsal dinner, which was done for her by relatives, and didn't send a wedding present.

She was over bearing when my husband and I were dating. On my birthday when I traveled twelve hours to be with my husband due to living in different states at the time because we are military members. She wouldn't even let me go get my hair colored without being in the car with us.

She showed up at my grandfather, (whom she never met.)'s funeral to look for my husband and hounded my parents at the funeral to go take them to see the church where we were getting married. She tried to alter my flower arrangements for my wedding even though she paid for none of it. The florist told her to leave and called me.

Now she plans on coming to visit us in a different state to see us. I have been warned this will be an unannounced visit. Everything except the birthday incident has happened in the past month someone please help me deal with this horrible woman.

Mistie, this woman sounds like she is in desperate need of attention. Is your father-in-law in the picture? You didn't mention him at all.

If your husband wants her in his life to some extent, then you'll have to tolerate her a little. But that doesn't mean she needs to walk all over you. You and your husband must set boundaries for her. And your husband needs to talk to her.

Has he tried talking to her, or does he cave when she whines? Is he a momma's boy, or does he know how to stand up to her?

What say you, readers? How should Mistie deal with her annoying mother-in-law

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Blogger MamabearMills said...

omg..i have hit the jackpot! my mil is the WORST ever! took us to court for visitation of our son....we were keeping her from him cuz she is NUTS and doesnt know how to act in front of a child! UGH>>>anyways, stopping by cuz i commented after you at SITS. i love this blog!

8/11/09, 12:43 AM  
Anonymous becky said...

Thank you! If you ever want to vent, or post about her without posting it at your place, feel free to stop by!

8/11/09, 12:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree that her husband has to step in and set boundaries. Good luck to her; I hope he's man enough to do it.

8/11/09, 10:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Whoops! I forgot to say I was stopping by from SITS

Hope you'll do the same!

8/11/09, 10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11/10/09, 7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please be careful with her. My MIL was very similar and Sept.7th she convinced my husband to do something I never thought in a million years he would do. He killed for her. Those woman have had years to work on these men and we underestimate them I know I underestimated mine. I kept her away from us the best I could I have no idea how she got to him or what she said yet to get him to do this horrible thing. Just be careful with her she can be dangerous. She knows your husband 1000 times better than you do.

12/17/09, 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother in law to be is annoying the hell out of me. She made me change my wedding rehersal date to suit herself. She wanted to change the date of my bridal shower which my sister is throwing. She is trying to invite 10 more people to the wedding when her list if twice as long as my family's. She wanted her other sons to sleep at my house on wedding night so she wouldnt have to pay for a hotel for them. I swear she is giving me high blood pressure. She always wants to know what im doing for the wedding and then she wants to put her 2 cents in when I didnt ask for it

9/25/10, 1:55 PM  

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