Saturday, August 11, 2012

Demanding, poisonous mother-in-law

Poor Heather has had quite the experience with her MIL. Her comment is as follows:
Heather said...
Let me start out by saying, after I was married for 3 mths, my mother in law started emailing me letters on how selfish, I was and that she was proud of her son, for staying in a marriage for so long with a person like me. Mind You I met her once, she never came to my wedding. She lives in another state. She got mad at me at Easter, because she thought that I should have giving her 28 year old son an Easter egg hunt. My mother sent her a Christian card for Easter. My mother in law was ticked. She sent me letter after letter by email telling me off for it. Her first visit was not fun. She invited herself for 6 weeks to my home. Never asked if it was okay. She made me wash her clothes everyday, she requested meals that she wanted to be served. That my children should be home, because she was here. My husband would jump to her every commend. She would get made if we did not take her with us every place we went. She told me that some day my children would come to live with her, and it would be a punishment to me, because her own son moved far from her. She would talk terrible about my family. She thought everyone was doing something to try and hurt her.
I am writing more. From my previous comment that I just sent my mother in-law had to be treated like a princees as well while she was hear. She would insult the way I cleaned took care of my children. Talk behinde my back to my husband. She even stuck a red towel into MT wash machine when my good clothes were in there, and turned the washer on and ruined my clothes. We had to take her on our vacation as well. To be mean she would wake my husband up at the crack of Dawn, to take her places. Making sure I was left behind. She forced my children to wear clothes she bought, we had to go to all the restaurants she wanted to eat at on our vacation. She would jump over the seat of the car to honk the car horn at people and yell mean things out the window at them. She told me that my children were all hers. She told my mother That my mother she had other grandchildren and That my children were all hers. She complained the whole time she visited about everything. She visited a second time, and invited herself for 5 weeks. I told my husband she could not stay here This time or I would go nuts. She became terrible mad at me. Stilluses this as an excuse that this is why she is Mad at me after 6 years later. She has stopped sending me birthday gifts and Christmas gifts as well. When she came again she argued with me, disappeared with my children. Now these says she has not visited for a while. Although she sent me terriable letters saying that I am lazy, I should have a job. Even though I have 3 small children. She has cursed me out by phone and email. Made up lies about me to people. Left her email and password on my phone, because she wanted me to read terriable letters that she wrote to people about me. Which she had sent to me.she sends my children weird letters that look more like they are for me to read. I think she is nuts. She has called me every mean thing. Any time We did something she would say I hope this makes your mom jealous. I love to see her that way. She made up lies about me. She told me I am a bad mom, that I should listen to her home truths. They may hurt me, but they are the truth. It is not true. I am a good mom. She makes up lies to people that she was a teacher, a nurse, and has a degree in law. She has actual been on welfare for most of her life. She Bost about herself and back stabs and criticizes everyone. She even back stabs her own boyfriend. But claims he is not her boyfriend because he is to ugly for her. She will put make up on just to go to the store. She is grumpy, mean, and cleans compulsively. She thinks she is so great, but has acted like a child most of the time I have known her. Actually having 3 year old temper tatrums. If she can not have her own way. She has treated me like dirt for the whole 10 years that I have been married to my hubby. She claims he only stays with me, for the children. Any feed back please

Heather, have you and your husband talked about this at all? Has he ever stood up for you or told his mother to back off? If at all possible, you need his support in this. You two need to present a united front to his mother. If he won't do that, then you need to set your own boundaries. It sounds like you already have with not letting her stay with you. Don't listen to her, what she says about you. I would have as little to do with her as possible. Screen her contact with the kids and protect them from her as much as you can. She may get even madder, but your kids are the important thing here, as is your self-worth.


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